CHILI LUNCH Join us this Sunday, February 9, following the 10:45AM service in the Fellowship Hall!


The best way to get connected.

The best way to connect in life-giving and life-changing community at One Mission Church, is to join a LIFEGroup. As much as we love together to meet in corporate celebration and worship on Sundays, LIFEGroup is where we learn to live out our faith in every day life. Our LIFEGroups meet in neighborhoods all across north east Atlanta. Most groups meet every other week, and some meet every week. The mission of our LIFEGroups is the same as our church, to take seekers into the fullness of Christ. We gather to love Christ, to love each other, and to love our neighbor for Jesus sake. Every LIFEGroup is a missional community.

To check out a current list of our LIFEGroups, look for the display in our church lobby.

You will be able to find a LIFEGroup near you. Contact us below, and we’ll help you find a group that works for you. We encourage you to join a LIFEGroup today!